Saturday, October 20, 2007

Winter is here!

Saturday 20th October 2007

Brrrrr! It's chilly! And right on cue, our heating has gone mad again. It's on when it's supposed to be off and off when it's supposed to be on. No wonder our fuel bills have rocketed... But no such concerns just now as I'm at work, where it's always cold due to the over-eager air conditioning. Outside, it's a beautifully cold day with blue skies and lots of sunshine. Shame I'm stuck in the office all day, but ho-hum...

So, anyone who has been keeping up to date with family news will know that I am an auntie again! Matt and Ticki had their second baby last week - a little boy called Henry Robert. We're all very excited. Not sure how excited Olivia is about her new baby brother, but she should be grateful. She could have an older brother, which is much worse... ;-)

It being Saturday, I would normally be about 230 miles north of here visiting Gavin, or indeed just 4 miles from here in Ealing with Gavin with me, but - alas - it is my turn to work this weekend. It seems like SUCH a waste of a weekend, but there you go. All you nasty people out there wanting to watch telly on your days off, it's your fault I have to work! I shall be gracing Tunbridge Wells with my subtitling presence later on this evening, so somebody had better be watching.

A fun evening to look forward to though - Rugby tonight! Hurrah! I'll be heading over to Anjana's where a couple more SOAS compadres are meeting up for take-away, beer and rugger. Could be a fab night, or it could all end in tears... Here's hoping!

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