Festive frivolities!
Christmas and New Year
I spent Christmas at the Bates' again this year. Mum had swanned off to Bolivia to see Fiona and with Dad in Switzerland, that left me pretty much on my todd! So the poor Bates family didn't exactly have much choice in inviting me to celebrate with them. It meant I got to see a lot of my niece as well, as she was there for most of the festive period with Matt and Ticki. Oh, and I got to spend lots of time with my dearest darling boyfriend. Obviously...In true Clark style, I developed a sore throat and flu-like symptoms on the afternoon on Christmas Day so I had quite an early night! Olivia had more presents than the rest of us put together, but it did make the tree look very pretty. We ate, drank, slept (but not necessarily in that order) to our hearts content and it was generally how Christmas should be. Grub, booze, booze, grub. Telly. Fab. And I got the bestest present ever! I've wanted one for ever and it just goes to show that Gav IS paying attention occasionally, cos he bought me a Teasmade! Hurrah! Very retro.
I had to nip up to Glasgow to do two shifts in the middle of it all, which resulted in some of the most mad driving I've ever done! Not to worry, I didn't drive like a maniac - I mean that I drove up on the Friday morning, worked a late shift till 10pm, got up for an early shift the next morning, worked another 10 hours and then drove right back down again! Won't be trying that again, it was not fun.
But all in a good cause cos I had to be back in Liverpool for New Year! At the last minute, we'd managed to railroad Liz, one of Gav's friends, into having a party and as a bit of a punishment, she came up with the idea of making it a James Bond theme party with just two days' notice. Here are the results!
Proof that wearing all-white definitely isn't flattering but what the heck. I think it's pretty good for 48-hours preparation, which Gav had to do all on his own cos I was working. The scar is made of gelatin, by the way. Works a treat.
Also proof that we're all getting old, cos Gav and I were the last to leave Liz's at about 1am! I'm quite impressed I made it past midnight cos I was absolutely pooped! And a bit poorly still so I suppose it's excusable.
Happy New Year, everybody!