30th November 2006
Hurrah! Hooray! It's official - I am fab.
I was made "fully effective" at work today, which basically means I'm no longer considered a trainee. It's a much covetted title as it means another very welcome hike in the salary stakes, but is also a recognition of the fact that you've learnt all you need to and are a full member of the team. Us trainees have always objected a bit to the title fully effective, cos it implies we're only partially "effective", which just isn't true after about your first 6 months. We do the same work as everybody else (sometimes faster!) with no extra allowances, but hey, experience counts and all that. The decision about when you go fully effective is basically up to your managers, although in general it's when you've worked here for 2 years. That would have been January for me, so it's an added bonus that it's happening a month early - and just in time for the Christmas pay packet, too! Score!
Damn shouldn't have said that, now you'll all expect really big presents...
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